Wine Books For Beginners
Just beginning your wine education? Below you will find wine books for beginners. These are books I’ve loved, read, and personally reviewed.
Discover these excellent wine books for beginners and you will master wine fast.
Most of the wine books for below are available as physical books and ebooks. I often buy both, because reading on my iPhone is often more convenient that lugging around an enormous book.
You will discover that these wine books for beginners are all you need to launch your personalized wine study program. Wine Folly and Wine Simple set the tone as wine books for beginners, with Cork Dork being a fun, educational resource when it comes to wine books for beginners.
- How to Taste Wine
- 100 Grape Varieties
- Characteristics of grapes
- You Will Discover Hidden Gems
- You Will Learn To Taste Wine
- You Will Discover the Sommelier Life
- How to discover your wine personality
- Which rose to serve as an aperitif
- How to pair rose wine with food
- You will learn what it is like to work as a sommelier
- You will experience a tasting group of sommelier students
- You will discover how to taste wine

- You will learn the link between terroir and taste
- You will understand what makes a quality wine.
- You will learn the key grapes of each wine region

- You will learn what is meant by acid in a wine
- You'll discover how to choose the best wine for the price
- You will learn what is meant by tannin in a wine

Read my review of A Man and His Mountain, the Story of Jess Jackson
- How Jess Jackson made his dream come true
- How he blended Chardonnay to a Style
- The historic "first sale" he made ofhis wine
Read my review of The Wine Bible
- The grape varieties of every wine region
- The most affordable wines of each regions
- Different wines made from the sangiovese grape
- You will learn how Rudi Kurniawan changed an industry
- Behind the scene practices of wine auctions
- What it's like to be a reporter following an intriguing story
- 3 steps to tasting wine
- How the taste of butter gets into your Chardonnay
- How the taste of butter gets into your Chardonnay
- How to discover wine differences
- Why wine color is a clue
- How to understand acid in a wine
- You will see the 1970s wine scene
- You will understand the hunger for exotic European wines
- You will view the excitement of this era in the post